HR Mental Wellness Centre

Learn more about the founder of the centre

About Dr. El-Rayes

Dr. Rayes
Hamdy El-Rayes, MBA, Ph.D., is an established mental wellness coach and author of “Mental Wellness: A Spiritual Journey,” which forms the foundation of his Mental Wellness Coaching Program. Dr. El-Rayes integrates spirituality with conventional therapy to enhance recovery, prevent relapses, and assist with healing on multiple levels. His approach at the Centre has led to a speedy recovery and impressive outcomes by combining spirituality with current therapies and medication. Drawing from a varied career in management, education, and mentorship, Dr. Rayes brings a wealth of experience to his coach and group facilitator role. His training encompasses life and executive coaching, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and the application of psychological theories by influential figures like Abraham Maslow and Victor Frankl. Additionally, his specialized studies in the addicted brain, with Professor Michael Kuhar of Emory University, deepen his understanding of addiction and strategies for helping clients overcome addiction.

Integration of Positive Psychology: Coaching Style and Approach

Dr. El-Rayes emphasizes the importance of Positive Psychology in mental wellness, having studied under renowned experts such as Professor Barbara L. Fredrickson and Professor Martin E.P. Seligman. His exploration of Positive Psychology Applications and Interventions, resilience skills, and the integration of spiritual and philosophical teachings enrich his coaching methodology, fostering resilience and holistic healing in his clients.

Driven by compassion and a profound belief in holistic healing, Dr. El-Rayes has developed a unique coaching style. This approach empowers individuals to discover strength and solutions in all aspects of their lives, resulting in greater physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Environmental Advocacy and Academic Background

Hamdy El-Rayes, MBA, Ph.D., has held diverse leadership roles, including managing of a manufacturing company and acting as President of El-Rayes Environmental Corp. (Epic Management Inc.), where he developed environmental protection programs for various levels of government. He served as Director of the Pollution Prevention Institute at Kansas State University and Manager of Business and Community Services at Metro Vancouver. Additionally, Dr. El-Rayes is actively involved in community service, volunteering with organizations like Big Brothers Canada and Amnesty International. In 2005, he ran as a candidate for the B.C. Green Party, advocating for environmental, social, and economic issues in the province.

Establishment of H.R. Mental Wellness Centre

Inspired by his own journey of healing from depression, Dr. El-Rayes founded the H.R. Mental Wellness Centre in 2006. The Centre complements medical services and serves as a beacon of support for individuals seeking mental wellness, reflecting Dr. El-Rayes’ commitment to improving the lives of others.

Currently serving as Chair of the El-Rayes Foundation and Director of the H.R. Mental Wellness Centre, Dr. El-Rayes continues to work with individuals suffering from depression and anxiety. He offers his services through various channels, including self-help support groups, individual and group coaching, seminars, workshops, writings, and public speaking, guiding individuals towards mental wellness and self-actualization.

Books by Dr. El-Rayes

This book presents a program to help you build a foundation for your healing. 

Mental Wellness: A Spiritual Journey is available now!


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Learn about Our Book

Mental Wellness: A Spiritual Journey

By Dr. Hamdy El-Rayes

A comprehensive book to guide you on your mental wellness & personal growth journey.