HR Mental Wellness Center

Begin your path to well-being with personalized stress-management sessions

Stress Management Sessions

Individual Coaching for Stress Management

Feeling overwhelmed by the demands of work and personal life? Struggling to navigate life’s challenges and find your way forward? Dr. Rayes offers personalized coaching sessions, conducted over the phone or online, to help you address these issues and unlock your full potential.
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Expert Guidance for Personal Growth

With Dr. Rayes’ extensive background as a manager, educator, and coach, gain valuable insights and practical strategies to manage stress effectively. Identify the root causes of your stress, learn preventive techniques, and transform challenges into opportunities for growth and joy.

Empowering Your Journey to Well-being

Through this coaching program, discover how to manage stress without compromising your goals and aspirations. Find clarity on your life purpose, enhance your resilience, and improve your overall quality of life. Adopt healthy habits that nurture both your physical and mental well-being, paving the way for a happier, more fulfilling life.

Find Out More about our Stress Management Sessions

Take the first step towards transformative personal growth and well-being today. For more information or to book an appointment, please reach out to Dr. Rayes at 604-630-6865, via email, or book a free consulation below. 

HRMWC - One-on-one counselling

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Take the first step to well-being. Schedule a free 20-minute introductory session with our compassionate professionals dedicated to supporting your mental health journey

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Knowledge empowers. Explore our resources for insights into mental well-being. Together, let’s build resilience and understanding

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Invest in your well-being while supporting others. Purchase a mental health book, and a portion goes towards initiatives dedicated to mental health awareness and assistance.