HR Mental Wellness Center

Introduce yourself to the centre through some of our videos!


Introduction into Natural Healing

An introduction to the Mental Wellness Program. You can fully heal from depression and anxiety and prevent relapses. The Mental Wellness Program is described in detail in Dr. Hamdy El-Rayes’ book, Mental Wellness: A Spiritual Journey.

About Depression & Anxiety

This video covers:

  •  The outcome of dealing with depression without medication
  •  Benefits and drawbacks of using Antidepressants
  •  Depression risk factors
  •  Root causes of depression and anxiety
  •  How to heal from depression and anxiety without relapses.

Conventional Treatment of Depression & Anxiety

In this presentation, Dr. El-Rayes explains why you cannot heal using conventional treatment of depression & anxiety and what you need to do to heal and prevent relapses.

Breathing Techniques

This presentation is usually given to new members at the Centre. It provides information on deep breathing and how to use deep breathing to heal from depression/anxiety; overcome panic attacks; improve your physical health and the effectiveness of your immune system; overcome stresses in your life; and be able to make better decisions, and enjoy your life.

Thanks to Ron Novak for videotaping this presentation.

Healthy Habits

How good habits can expedite your healing from depression & anxiety

Support Groups

Tory Ross explains the benefits of attending the support group meetings.

Thanks to Ian Jenkins for editing this video.

Holistic Approach to Healing

Introduction of a holistic approach to healing from depression or anxiety. This model is used at the H.R. Mental Wellness Centre (support group and one-on-one coaching). The model addresses body, mind, and spirit.

Book a Free Consultation

Take the first step to well-being. Schedule a free 20-minute introductory session with our compassionate professionals dedicated to supporting your mental health journey

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Knowledge empowers. Explore our resources for insights into mental well-being. Together, let’s build resilience and understanding

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Invest in your well-being while supporting others. Purchase a mental health book, and a portion goes towards initiatives dedicated to mental health awareness and assistance.