HR Mental Wellness Center

Learn more about the H.R. Mental Wellness Centre

About the Centre

Our Mission

H.R. Mental Wellness Centre was established in January 2006 to help you heal from depression and anxiety; become more successful in your careers and personal relationships; share your talents with the world; and enjoy life to the fullest. After suffering from depression and finding his own way to healing, Dr. El-Rayes was inspired to establish the H.R. Mental Wellness to share his personal experience, training as a coach and group facilitator, and researcher. The Centre complements services offered by medical professionals.

Holistic Approach and Program Offerings

HRMWC promotes a holistic approach that addresses body, mind, and spirit, and empowers you to become a steward of your own healing. This approach, which complements medical services, is founded on Dr. El-Rayes’ book titled, “Mental Wellness: A Spiritual journey.” It uses an integrated model including mindfulness, principles of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and Logotherapy, and spirituality.

Program Offerings and Community Support

Our programs offer unique interactive learning experience in a safe environment, with self-help support groups, and individual and group coaching. Participants can discuss their concerns and brainstorm to address them, define their goals and action plans, and learn new skills to better their lives. You will learn stress management techniques, problem-solving skills, effective communication, relationship development, and networking skills. You will also be motivated to develop a healthy life-style through exercise, proper nutrition, socializing, and balancing their lives.

Participants learn how to develop and implement plans to improve their physical, spiritual, mental health, finances, and life quality.

The Centre also provides moral and social support to its members. You will be encouraged to build social relationships and participate in various social activities with other members to reduce isolation and facilitate healing.

Book a Free Consultation

Take the first step to well-being. Schedule a free 20-minute introductory session with our compassionate professionals dedicated to supporting your mental health journey

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